Thursday, March 29, 2012

Dream and Reality Opening

Dream And Reality

Many people divide their world into two strict categories; metaphysical and physical. Or, as many know it, Dreams and Reality. The wishes you dearly desire yet know can never truly be. And the few, those people who are able to stretch limits and break the borders of supposed possibility to actually fulfill those childhood fantasies, are the ones that can see it. The place between dreams and reality. Madness dwells there, along with contentment and its many perpetrators. In-between what is touchable and what cannot be seen are many creatures and thoughts that cannot exist, yet do. unable to survive in lands of rational thought, these impossible beings cannot enter dream as they are yet linked to the physical. Always, always, searching. Yearning for a way to escape the twisting void of chains that is the in-between. The creatures try to find foot-holds within one world or another, releasing their young into the open possibility of Dream or Reality. And so, a small door in this chaotic dimension opens and quietly a bundle into the whirlpool of time and space waiting for the wrapped cloth to be swept away by ever moving currents and brought to the edge of some waiting world. For in the bundle lay a squalling baby, a creature of in-between.

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